Emotional intelligence, or “EI”, is the biggest predictor of success in life, more than any IQ level. This is the challenge that is reshaping education, companies and teams all over the world. We can learn much from Salovey, Mayer, Goleman, Bradberry and many other experts about the principles of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-regulation which includes self-control, empathy, social skills, motivation, etc.) and the specific skills needed for each. BUT the first source of emotional education is our God Himself as Creator of our emotions, and full of instructions and examples in His Word for these principles.
All truth is ultimately God's truth, and through His transforming power in our lives we have greater resources for what Salovey and Mayer coined as "emotional intelligence" in 1990. It's nothing new since this teaching has always been in Scripture. Jesus himself expressed and understood his emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane and managed them, and so did Paul the apostle and many others. Social abilities and the other components listed above are seen in the teachings on Christian or "agape" love in 1 Corinthians 3:4-7 and in the fruit of the Spirit of Galatians 5, besides many other passages on how we should view and treat ourselves and others, as well principles for our motivations. When we learn to recognize, understand and properly manage our own emotions, and understand and influence for good the emotions of others, we can progress in life in every way and mature relationally, academically (especially important for children), and even physically since our neurochemistry engages with our emotions and affects the rest of our body. Certainly, spiritually we will progress as “EI” ultimately involves submitting to our Creator and becoming more like Christ. At Synergy IC School we are taking a closer look at these principles in our staff meetings and it is part of our curriculum in the "Life Skills" class with our secondary students, to be adapted for all of the other grades as well. This is part of transformational education, and we ask God to help us grow in His wisdom as a school team and to influence and enable the students. We want to have His joy and strength for the path that He sets before us each day, through the hard times and the happier times. Lena Philbrick, Licenciada en Biblia, especialidad Música y cursos en Musicoterapia y Psicología. Master en Psicología infanto-Juvenil y Máster en Intervención Psicopedagógica.